LoRaWAN Laser Level Sensor
Safe Zone
Thay thế bởi
WSLRW-LSL is a low-power laser level sensor for Solid level measurement. With a dust tube accessory, it can be used in high dust environments like cement, grain, powder... It can measure up to 100m range. With Ultra-low-power design and smart firmware allow the sensor can last up to 10 years with a single battery D size 3.6V (depends on configuration). The sensor will transmit data in the kilo-meters distance to LoRaWAN gateway, any brand on the market.
The WSLRW-LSL can be used to measure level in Tank, Silo, or any non-dark surface.
Lĩnh vực
Smart Agriculture, Smart Farm
Ứng dụng
Level Monitoring, Process Monitoring
LoRaWAN communication
LoRaWAN communication standard to allow sensor connect to any LoRaWAN Gateway on the market.
10-Year battery
Ultra-low power sensing technology from Daviteq with Ultra-low power wireless technology allow the sensor can last up to 10 years with a single D size battery.
High Accuracy & Stable
Sensor protection tube allow stable working in dust environment
Dust Protection
Dust tube design and Pneumatic lens cleaning port