LoRaWAN Ex d RS485 Master Node
RS485 input
Hazardous Zones
Thay thế bởi
WSLRWEX-RS485 is an Exd LoRaWAN node with an RS485 master port to connect to any sensor, water meter, power meter, gas meter, or flow computer with an RS485 slave port. The device supports different fieldbus protocols like Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, DLMS Cosem, and Mbus...The device is configurable via offline software and downlink messages. Ultra-low-power design and smart firmware allow the sensor to run on a C type battery 3.6V for 10 years with one update per day. The sensor will transmit data over kilometers to the LoRaWAN gateway, any brand on the market. It supports all LoRaWAN frequency bands, including EU868, IN865, RU864, KR920, AS923, AS923-2, AU915, and US915.
Lĩnh vực
Smart Facility, Smart Factory, Smart Utility
Ứng dụng
Utility Monitoring, Energy Monitoring, Process Monitoring, Facility Monitoring
LoRaWAN Communication
LoRaWAN Specification V1.0.3
Support various Fieldbus Protocols
Support Modbus RTU, Modbus ASCII, DLMS Cosem...
10-Year battery
Ultra-low power sensing technology from Daviteq with Ultra-low power wireless technology allow the device can last up to 10 years with a single battery
Ex d Zones 1-2-21-22
Ex d approval for installation in Zone 1, Zone 2 or Safe Zone