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LoRaWAN Fuel Flow Meter
Flow Meter
Safe Zone
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WSLRW-DFM is an advanced devices that use LoRaWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technology to measure and transmit fuel flow data over long distances. These meters are particularly useful for remote monitoring and management of fuel usage in various applications, such as industrial processes, fuel distribution, and storage. The meter provides real-time monitoring and optimization of fuel consumption, normalization of fuel quotas, detection and prevention of fuel theft, and fuel consumption testing for engines/genset. LoRaWAN fuel flow meters are used in various industries like manufacturing, agriculture, transportation, and smart cities. The device will transmit data in kilo-meters distance to LoRaWAN gateway, any brands on the market.
For Applications
Energy Monitoring, Fuel Monitoring, Process Monitoring, Smart Irrigation, Vehicle Tracking
LoRaWAN communication
LoRaWAN communication standard to allow sensor connect to any LoRaWAN Gateway on the market
Design for harsh environment
IP67 and durable housing for harsh environment of engine room/cabinet
Various fluid type monitoring
Monitored fluid types: diesel fuel, heating oil, motor fuel, other types of liquid fuels with kinematic viscosity from 1.5 to 6 mm2/s
Multi-parameter monitoring
Multi-parameter monitoring such as differential/supply/return flow, differential/supply/return volume, supply/return temperature
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