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Wireless Thermocouple Temperature Sensor
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WS433-AG is LoRaWAN wireless sensor with modular design connected to Thermocouple temperature sensor, based on 10-year experience in design and manufacturing Industrial sensor of Daviteq Company. It has been factory pre-calibrated for high accuracy and quick set-up. The wireless portion is Sub-GHz technology from Texas Instruments allows long range transmission at ultra-low power consumption. It will connect 2-way wirelessly to the wireless co-ordinator WS433-CL to send data and receiving the configuration. It can be configured the operation parameters like data sending interval, health check cycle... remotely from Globiots platform or via ModbusRTU software (thru the WS433-CL). Its default data rate is 50kbps, can be switched to 625bps to increase the communication range. The sensor can last up to 10 years with 1 x AA battery.
<br>Typical Applications: Temperature monitoring for factories, agriculture, boilers,...
Smart Agriculture, Smart Building, Smart City, Smart Energy, Smart Facility, Smart Factory, Smart Farm, Smart Retail, Smart Utilities
For Applications
Temperature Monitoring, Process Monitoring, Safety Monitoring
Reliable & Secured Wireless Connection
Sub-Ghz technology from Texas Instruments allows reliable wireless connection and secured data by AES-128
Ultra-low power with 5 years battery
Ultra-low power sensing technology from Daviteq with Ultra-low power wireless technology from Texas Instruments allow the sensor can last up to 5 years
Sensors are pre-calibrated at factory to deliver high accuracy and quick installation
For both indoor and outdoor applications
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