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LoRaWAN Laser Level Sensor
Safe Zone
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WSLRW-LSL is a low-power laser level sensor for Solid level measurement. With a dust tube accessory, it can be used in high dust environments like cement, grain, powder... It can measure up to 100m range. With Ultra-low-power design and smart firmware allow the sensor can last up to 10 years with a single battery D size 3.6V (depends on configuration). The sensor will transmit data in the kilo-meters distance to LoRaWAN gateway, any brand on the market.
The WSLRW-LSL can be used to measure level in Tank, Silo, or any non-dark surface.
Smart Agriculture, Smart Farm
For Applications
Level Monitoring, Process Monitoring
LoRaWAN communication
LoRaWAN communication standard to allow sensor connect to any LoRaWAN Gateway on the market.
10-Year battery
Ultra-low power sensing technology from Daviteq with Ultra-low power wireless technology allow the sensor can last up to 10 years with a single D size battery.
High Accuracy & Stable
Sensor protection tube allow stable working in dust environment
Dust Protection
Dust tube design and Pneumatic lens cleaning port
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